7 Tips for Saving Money on Window Replacements in Chicago, IL

7 Tips for Saving Money on Window Replacements in Chicago, IL

Are you a Chicago homeowner or business owner and thinking about improvements for your building?

One of the most important and cost-effective improvements you can make for your residential or commercial space window replacements.

When you live in the “Windy City” the cold can creep into your space when you have old or outdated windows. And it can get noisy in Chicago’s urban jungle.

But on the other hand, window replacements can be expensive. But they don’t have to break the bank.

When shopping for windows in Chicago, there are several tips to keep more money in your pocket.

Without further delay, here are seven tips when considering replacing windows.

7 Smart Tips for Window Replacements

Replacement windows can cost a pretty penny. The price of replacing a few windows can be economical. But the cost of replacing windows for the entire structure? Not so cheap.

Shopping for cheaper windows can save you money, but there are better ways to keep more money in your Chicago bank account.

1. Skip Non-essential Extras That Up the Price

Similar to other companies, window manufacturers offer features that may improve the window cosmetically and their strength. But they may not be necessary. Even in Chicago.

These expensive add-ons aren’t always mandatory. You may not need them. Before shelling out extra cash, ask yourself if the following features are necessary

  • Between-glass shades
  • High-priced window hardware
  • Laminate glass
  • Integrated grills
  • Trim sold by the installed by the window manufacturer

These extras can raise your price. So think if you really need them for your Chicago home or business.

2. Know That Some Grades of Window Replacements Cost More

Grades vary with replacement windows. And so does their prices. For example, the architectural grade is more costly than standard windows.

Look for Contractor and Builder Grade Windows

In comparison to architectural grade windows, contractor-grade and builder-grade windows cost less.

What this means is these grades offer a simple product to fit your requirements. You can get a perfectly fine contractor-grade or builder-grade window that is good for your needs that will last for years.

These grades are the most well-known. They can found in these types:

  • Single-hung windows
  • Double-hung windows
  • Fixed windows
  • Casement windows

They may also come with window screens and muntins as well as materials such as a film on the window’s glass to shield against UV rays.

It might be hard to locate these features on your own. Just ask your window installer and they can guide you.

3. Look for less Expensive Window Materials

When saving money is important to you, look for window materials that cost less. Some of the cheaper materials include windows with solid vinyl frames and windows with fiberglass frames.

Stay away from solid wood because you’ll pay much more for them. The truth is, you often can’t tell the difference when you look at them.

So the question is: do you really need premium wood windows when you’re on a budget? Especially when you may paint them years down the road.

You need to ask yourself if installing wood windows is a necessity. It’s doubtful that people will comment on the material your windows are made from.

4. Choose Common Window Styles

Yes, you can get fancy window styles. These have circles, bows, intricate curves, and hexagons. But you’ll pay more for these window styles.

On the other hand, selecting more common window styles in a variety of brands will keep your budget lower. To save money and keep your budget down, opt for single-hung, double-hung, casement, and fixed window styles.

5. Stay Away from Dealers That Sell One Brand

While not all authorized window dealers will always cost more, they offer a more limited choice. If a dealer only offers one brand, it makes it more difficult to get a better bargain. You get fewer choices.

Many Chicago window installers recommend buying from companies that offer a variety of choices. This helps them get their customers the most competitive deals.

If you decide to look at an authorized dealer, make sure to look at more than just one. Your window professional can introduce you to the best brands.

6. Find a Chicago Window Installer That Is a Good Negotiator

Just like any industry, it’s great to work with a professional who is a master at price negotiation. And did you know that even authorized dealers can work with your installer on price?

In fact, price negotiation is a given in the remodeling industry. Competition for your business is high.

Window companies buy replacement windows wholesale. Some offer windows and installation into the deal or provide your installer a better price than working directly with a consumer.

Know that a window manufacturer won’t give away their windows, but can offer a fair price. A good window professional that knows how to negotiate never accepts the first quote.

7. Don’t Go for the Cheapest Price

Even when you have a substantial amount of savings in the bank, you don’t want to throw your money away. And sometimes that’s exactly what happens if you buy the cheapest products or hire the cheapest professionals.

Have you ever tried to save money and bought something cheap only to have to discard it or redo it? For example, hiring the cheapest painter can result in drips and sloppy edging work.

Then you need to hire a more quality painter to fix the cheap guy’s mistakes. That’s why the adage, “You get what you pay for” has been around for so long.

When choosing a window installer and buying windows, don’t go with the cheapest price. You want quality work and workmanship that will last for the life of your home.

Saving Money on Window Replacements

Now you know seven great ways to save money on window replacements for selecting window styles and grades to cut out unnecessary add-ons.

Looking for an expert on window replacements?

Forde Windows and Remodeling has provided Chicago area homeowners and businesses with window solutions for more than 30. years. Explore our website to how you can protect and beautify your home with high-quality window replacements.

Contact us today for a consultation!